Impact-resistant adhesives

3 companies | 4 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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epoxy adhesive
epoxy adhesive
Supreme 33CLV

... 100°F to +425°F One to one mix ratio by volume Resists vibration, impact and thermal cycling Master Bond Supreme 33CLV is a special, room temperature curing, toughened epoxy adhesive/sealant, featuring ...

aeronautic adhesive
aeronautic adhesive

Kohesi Bond TUF 1820 AOHT is a noteworthy toughened, single component epoxy system that requires no mixing and offers an unlimited working life at room temperature. It cures in merely 60 – 70 minutes at 120°C and even faster at higher ...

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aeronautic adhesive
aeronautic adhesive
KB 1031 AT-2LO

... cryogenic temperatures. It offers an extensive serviceable temperature range of 4K (-269.15°C) to +120°C. It is a phenomenal adhesive that fosters outstanding physical strength properties and yet consolidates high peel ...

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epoxy adhesive
epoxy adhesive

Epoxy Adhesives from Araldite Excellent adhesion to metals and thermoset composites Outstanding lap shear strength and peel strength High fatigue resistance Very high impact resistance Excellent ...

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