Fixed rectifiers

3 companies | 4 products
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fixed rectifier
fixed rectifier
AR series

Voltage: 48, 28, 69 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 36, 24 kW

... airport rectifier is intended for supplying on board electrical equipment on aircrafts and helicopters with 28 V DC voltage during pre-flight preparation, and also starting engines in a 24/48 V system. Could be manufactured ...

fixed rectifier
fixed rectifier

Voltage: 28, 115, 200 V
Frequency: 400, 50, 60 Hz

Airfield rectifier AR-800A-400Hz Airfield rectifier AR-800A with 400Hz input is designed for use on AC ground power units to supply 28V DC to aircrafts and helicopters. It is also can be used as a power ...

fixed rectifier
fixed rectifier
1-002 series

Voltage: 24 V - 30 V

The Highest Quality Avionic Instruments' products offer the highest quality and performance. This product line offers

fixed rectifier
fixed rectifier

Voltage: 29 V
Frequency: 400 Hz

Converter-Rectifier Units are used for replacing old versions of Transformer-rectifier units (TRU). They are to be used with 400 Hz Ground Power Units. The ElectroAir EAR-800C Converter – Rectifier ...

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