- Runways, Taxiways - Ground Support >
- Aircraft ground support >
- DC/AC power supply
DC/AC power supplies
{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 700 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 400 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 400 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 400 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 700 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 700 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 700 V
Current: 1 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 3,000 V
Current: 0.2 A - 2 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 3,000 V
Current: 0.2 A - 2 A
PWI lnc.
Input voltage: 28 V
Output voltage: 0 V - 3,000 V
Current: 0.2 A - 2 A
PWI lnc.
... compétitive pricing. From its 25amp DC power supply to 120Kva 400Hz frequency converters, Aero-Pac® manufactures and supplies operators worldwide with its range of ...
Input voltage: 28 V
... making reliable high quality power products since 1958. With the ability to operate from either a 3-phase 400 Hz or 28 V dc power source, our power conditioning modules ...
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