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- Approach radar
Approach radars
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... glass flight decks. The Telephonics Advantage TSO certifications: C102: Airborne radar approach and beacon systems for helicopters C63c: Airborne weather radar Field-proven ...

... active radars. It is designed to provide complete solution for Air Traffic Control or Air Defence. The RPL-2000 radar set consists of Primary Surveillance Radar RL-2000, Secondary Surveillance ...

FARAD is a prototype electromagnetic measurement radar system which is designed to perform dynamic RCS measurements of high-speed low observable flying targets, including those featuring stealth technology. The system ...

... Twelve Minutes Out) TMF (Ten Miles fixed) Arrival sequence 30 Miles Out 50 Miles Out Hold-detection Miss-Approach / Go Around / Touch & Go detection Diversion detection Processing of Emergency ...

NEC's Secondary Surveillance Radar is an advanced Mode S/Mono-pulse Secondary Radar (MSSR) for Enroute and approach control area. NEC has developed the unique system architecture focusing ...

Dual-Channel FMCW Radar SWaP Size14" x 8" x 4" Weight5lbs Power Supply28 VDC Power Requirement50 W (peak) Power Consumption: 32-W peak Frequency Bands Ka-band W-band Modes Stripmap SAR Spotlight SAR MTI ...

The ELPAR II Direction Finding (DF) system is on off-the-shelf, mature and proven product that has been designed nlfy tr> *aivm the SIGINT user community. The system is physicaly small and lightweight, yet extremely rugged. Its compoct ...

... work on a common antenna. Precision Approach Radar performs vertical and glide path guidance and operates in X-band.As a result of modernization the radar′s detection performance is efficiently ...
Aerotechnica-MLT Ltd

The RP-5GI precision approach radar operating in the X frequency band is a modernised radar system ensuring complete radar information necessary for the control of precise ...
T-CZ, A.S.

Is an ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) and ENAV (Ente Nazionale di Assistenza al Volo) project, whose aim is to facilitate the introduction of EGNOS services in the frame of Italian air traffic management, to support the development and ...

... Advanced S-Band Solid-State Primary Surveillance Radar Easat's Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) systems are optimised for aircraft approach and long-range en-route air traffic applications. Easat ...
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