Airliner turboprops

2 companies | 8 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
1000 - 3000hp turboprop
1000 - 3000hp turboprop
PW1 series

The PW100/PW150 engine family is the benchmark for low fuel consumption on routes of 350 miles or less. That means they consume 25% to 40% less fuel and avoid an equal measure of CO2 emissions than similar-sized regional jets. Our engines ...

0 - 1000hp turboprop
0 - 1000hp turboprop
MS-500V series

The MS-500V-S family engines are designed to power aircraft of various purpose and allow achieving high economic performance during commercial service. Two engine designs (with a shaft looking forward and aft) have been developed in order ...

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0 - 1000hp turboprop
0 - 1000hp turboprop
AI-450 series

The engines are designed to power general-purpose light aircraft and primary trainer aircraft. The AI-450CP, AI-450CP-1 and AI-450CP-2 engines are allowed to power aerobatic aircraft under no-load and negative load conditions. Special ...

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1000 - 3000hp turboprop
1000 - 3000hp turboprop

The MS-14 (MS-14-01) engines together with the AV-17 or MTV-27 propeller are designed for installation on general aviation short-haul light milti-role aircraft. Engine takeoff power in 1,500 hp. The engine is controlled by means of the ...

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1000 - 3000hp turboprop
1000 - 3000hp turboprop

The engines are designed to power light multi-purpose aircraft of local airlines, as well as general aviation aircraft. The engine takeoff power is 1500 hp. When designing the engine, the structural solutions and technologies used on ...

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1000 - 3000hp turboprop
1000 - 3000hp turboprop
AI-24 series

The engines are designed for passenger and cargo medium-haul aircraft. The engines have a high stall margin at all power ratings, altitudes and flight speeds. A key feature of the engines that improves their operational reliability is ...

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1000 - 3000hp turboprop
1000 - 3000hp turboprop
AI-20 series

The engines are designed to be installed on civilian cargo aircraft operating on medium- and long-haul routes (up to 6,500 km). AI-20 engines have a high margin of gas-dynamic stability in all modes for all altitudes and flight speeds. Main ...

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0 - 1000hp turboprop
0 - 1000hp turboprop

It is used for installation in transport aircraft. The takeoff power is 14,000 ehp. The engine three-shaft system with a single-rotation propfan ensures a short takeoff and landing as well as the minimum fuel consumption at high cruise ...

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