Aircraft washing trucks

6 companies | 7 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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towed washing cart
towed washing cart

towed washing cart
towed washing cart

... electric water pump, stainless steel barrel, heating system, control system, ball valve, socket and so on. Meet the needs of aircraft engine cleaning

self-propelled washing truck
self-propelled washing truck

Capacity: 4,500 l - 8,300 l
Platform height: 14.3 m

We at Global Ground Support used our deicing truck capabilities to design and supply Aircraft Washer Trucks. Tank Sizes range from 1200 gallons to 2200 gallons (4500 litres to 8300 litres) ...

self-propelled washing truck
self-propelled washing truck
X-Clean series

Platform height: 1,150 mm - 8,300 mm

... high-quality fine-grained steel Compatible with all well-known truck chassis brands Can be approved for use on public roads Complies with the official superstructure guidelines for truck manufacturers Built ...

towed washing cart
towed washing cart

Capacity: 50 l

... for tasks acc. to AMM 38-10-00 Flow rate: 2.500l/h (6bar water pressure) Hose to local water supply connection Hose to aircraft potable-water-system Intrinsically safe doser assembly Cutter system to separate local ...

self-propelled washing truck
self-propelled washing truck

Capacity: 3,000 l

TK-QX40 washing vehicle is build on commercial chassis, it is featured with reliable performance, easy maintainence and good spare parts commonality. It is applicable for various aircrafts.

towed washing truck
towed washing truck

Electric Type Engine Clearing Cart 1. Electric water pump (380V) 2. Two groups of electric heater power 9KW 3. The working temperature of outlet water is 65℃-95℃ (factory temperature setting is 75℃) (heating protection) 4.554.; ...

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