Aircraft air data computers

8 companies | 13 products
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aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer

The Air Data Computer (ADC 3600A CVL1) is used to calculate Air data parameters like Pressure Altitude, Calibrated Airspeed, True Airspeed, Mach number, ...

aircraft air data unit
aircraft air data unit

... for AOA calculation. ADU-400 (Air Data Unit) is a configurable air data unit designed and developed by ASELSAN. It can be used as primary air ...

aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer

... Calibrated Air Speed 40 to 1,000 Knots, Accuracy: 2 Kt Mach Number 0.1 to 3 M, Accuracy: 0.005 M Calculates True Air Speed, Mach Number, Calibrated Air Speed, Baro-Corrected Pressure ...

aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer
SAC 7-35

... two for a twin) and your SAC 7-35 provides all the fuel flow data your navigation systems needs to monitor your fuel situation. Airdata Computer. The SAC 7-35 is a full up TSO’d Airdata Computer ...

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Sandia Aerospace
aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer

... . The AC32 Digital Air Data Computer communicates via ARINC429 interface. Data in-/output can be configured per specific aircraft requirements keeping ...

aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer

Air Data, Attitude, Heading Reference Unit (ADAHRU) An integrated air data and attitude/heading reference unit. Combines both measurement systems into a single line ...

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Meggitt Avionics
aircraft air data computer
aircraft air data computer

The VectoDAQ Air Data Computer combined with a Vectoflow multi-hole probe is a compact and light system for measuring flow parameters for mobile applications. The VectoDAQ Air ...

drone air data unit
drone air data unit

«INDELA ADB» - is a new air data system developed by Design Department INDELA. “INDELA- ADB” sets flight parameters based on the data received from the outside sensors. It measures,calculates ...

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