110 Pers. apron buses

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#each product.specData:i}} {{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#each product.specData:i}} {{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
airport apron bus
airport apron bus

... lifetime of 25 years SPECIFICATIONS THE FIRST FULL-FEATURED AIRPORT BUS WITH E-DRIVE Based on the established market leader COBUS Industries developed the first full-featured airport ...

airport apron bus
airport apron bus

... both sides » more mobility and flexibility on the apron comfortably fit into the COBUS 3000 (according to IATA AHM 950). This is double the passenger capacity that fits into a normal solo city bus. ...

airport airport bus
airport airport bus

... (no U-turn), more safe and improve the efficiency of passenger transport/2 2、large passenger cabin space, can carry up to 110 people 3、vehicle design into the airport safety use of special requirements to ensure the ...

airport apron bus
airport apron bus

Bus General Parameters Body - Low carbon allow steel body with aluminium apron Curb Weight - 12840kgs Wheelbase - 7,100mm Floor Height - 270mm ~ 340mm subject to embarkation and/or disembarkation of passengers

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